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1st term
Drawing equipment and the use of instruments; Basic drafting techniques and standards; Geometrical
curves including plane curves; Cycloid; Hypocycloid and Involute.
Intersections at various positions of geometrical bodies such as prisms, pyramids, cylinders and cones:
Development of surfaces of prisms, pyramids, cylinders and cones.
Freehand sketching of machine and engine components, Locking arrangements; Foundation bolts; Stuffing
box; Shaft couplings; Foot step bearing; Pulleys; Engine connecting rod.
Concept of working drawing of component parts of machines and engines Size description, dimensions and
specifications; Limit dimensioning and geometric tolerancing; Limits; Fits and tolerances; Conventional
Sectioning of machine and engine components; Orthographic projections and standard practices.
Isometric views with particular reference to piping and ducting.
Thermodynamic Properties
Introduction; Working substance; System. Pure substance; PVT surface; Phases; Properties and state;
Units; Zeroth Law; Processes and cycles; conservation of mass.
Energy and its conservation
Relation of mass and energy, Different forms of energy; Internal energy and enthalpy; Work, Generalized
work equation, Flow and non flow processes, Closed systems. First Law of Thermodynamics; Open
systems and steady flow, Energy equation for steady flow, System boundaries, Perpetual motion of the first
Energy and property relations
Thermodynamic equilibrium; Reversibility; specific heats and their relationship; Entropy; Second Law of
Thermodynamic property relation from energy equation; Frictional energy.
Ideal Gas
Gas Laws; specific heats of an ideal gas; Dalton’s Law of Partial pressure; Third law of Thermodynamics;
Entropy of an ideal gas; Thermodynamic process.
Thermodynamic Cycles
Cycle work; Thermal efficiency and heat rate; Carnot cycle; Sterling cycle; Reversed and reversible cycles;
Most efficient engine.
Consequences of the Second Law
Clausius inequality; Availability and irreversibility; Steady flow system.
Two-Phase Systems:
Two phase system of a pure substance; Changes of phase at constant pressure; Steam tables; Superheated
steam; Compressed liquid and vapour curves; Phase diagrams: Phase roles: Processes of vapours: Mollier
diagram; Rankine cycle; Boilers and anciliary equipment.
Internal Combustion Engines
Otto cycle; Diesel cycle; Dual combustion cycle; Four stroke and two stroke engines; Types of fuels.
Reciprocating Compressors
Condition for minimum work; Isothermal efficiency; volumetric efficiency; Multi-stage compression;
Energy balance for a two stage machine with intercooler.
Use of carpenter’s tools, Exercise in preparing simple joints, Bench fitting practice, Exercise in marking
and fittings; Use of measuring instruments.
Smith’s forge; Exercise in bending, upsetting and swaging.
Familiarizing the students with the following processes:
Soldering and brazing, Welding, Heat treatment, Moulding and casting.
Simple machine shop processes, such as turning, shaping, milling and sheet metal work.
Statics of Particles
Forces in a plane; Equilibrium of a particle; Newton’s First Law; Free body diagram; Forces in space
(rectangular components); Equilibrium of a particle in space.
Rigid Bodies
Equivalent systems of forces; Principle of transmissibility; Moment of a force; Couple; Varignon’s
Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies
Free-body diagram; Equilibrium in two and three dimensions; Reaction at supports and connections;
Equilibrium of two-force and three force bodies.
Analysis of structures
Internal forces and Newton’s Third Law; Trusses; simple and space trusses; Methods of joints and sections;
Frames and machine analysis.
Forces in Beams and Cables
Shear force and bending moment diagrams; Cables with concentrated and distributed loads.
Laws of dry friction; Coefficient of friction and angles of friction; Wedges; Square-threaded screws;
Journal and thrust bearings; Belt Friction.
Distributed Forces
Centroids and centers of gravity; Areas and lines; Composite plates and wires;
Distributed loads on beams; Forces on submerged surfaces; Center of gravity of a three dimensional body
and centroid of a volume.
Second moment of area and moments of inertia; Polar moment of inertia; Radius of gyration; Parallel axis
Method of Virtual Work
Work of a force; Virtual work; Real machines and mechanical efficiency; Potential energy and equilibrium,
stability of equilibrium.
General Principles of Surveying, Determination and plotting of positions, Scales, Errors and Degree of
accuracy required.
Chain Surveying
Chains and tapes, optical square and other instruments, Ranging and chaining line Errors in chaining.
Field Book, Plotting chain survey, Obstacle surveying.
Compass surveying
Prismatic and Surveyor’s compasses, Meridians, Bearings, Declination and local attraction Traversing.
Adjustment of compass surveying.
Theodolite Surveying
Types of theodolites and their structure Handling and care of instruments, Temporary adjustment of
Theodolite, Measurement of Bearings and horizontal and vertical angles, Use of theodolite as leveling
Plane Table Surveying
Plane table and accessories, Adjustment and Orientation methods of plane table surveying, Merits and
demerits of plane tabling, Contouring with tangent clinometers, Two point and three point problems.
Box Sextant structure adjustment and use for measuring angles.
General principles of leveling, Optics of Surveying telescope and their structure, Types of levels,
Temporary and permanent adjustment, Methods of leveling, Level Books, Reduction of levels and checks.
Leveling for longitudinal section and cross section, plotting precautions in leveling, Sources of error,
Corrections for covalence and refraction.
Electric and Magnetic Circuits
Electric Circuits, Kirchoff’s Laws, Superposition theorem, Substitution theorem. Thevenin’s theorem,
Norton’s theorem, Rosen’s theorem of star / mesh transormation, Proof for DC circuits and their
application to circuit analysis, Magnetic Circuit, Series and parallel circuits, Principles of calculation of
ampere turns for magnetic circuits of electromagnets, Transformers, Bipolar and multipolar DC machines
Inductances in series and parallel, Hysteretis loss , Eddy current loss, Lifting power of magnet.
AC Single phase and Polyphase Systems
Single-Phase systems, Series, Parallel and series parallel circuits, J operator method and polar method.
Resonance and measurement of power and power factor, Polyphase systems, Polyphase generation, Star
and delta connections, Voltage and current relations, measurement of power and power factor, Balanced
and unbalanced load analysis.
DC Machines
Construction, Simple lap and wave windings, Equalizing connections and dummy coils, Elementary
concept of armature reaction and commutation, Cross and demagnetizing ampere turns, DC Generator,
Types, emf equation, Losses, Efficiency, Performance curves, Characteristics, Critical resistance and speed
and effect of armature reaction of OCC, Internal and external characteristics from OCC neglecting and
accounting armature reaction, Calculation of series ampere turns for level and over compounding. Motors,
Principle, Back EMF, Torque, Speed and speed regulation, Types, Characteristics, Performance curves,
Losses and efficiency, speed and torque problems involving magnetization curve, charging and ignition
circuits of automobiles.
AC Synchronous Machine
Construction, Stator single layer, Double layer and concentric windings, Damping windings, Coil span
factor, Distribution factor, Leakage and armature reaction, Synchronous impedance, Alternators, Types,
emf equation, speed and frequency, losses and efficiency, alternator on load voltage regulation by
synchronous impedance method, Synchronous Motors, Types, Principle of working, Vector diagram on
load and its analysis for stator current, power factor, torque and mechanical output, Effect of variation of
excitation, Losses and efficiency.
AC Induction Machines
Induction Motors, Construction, Types, Rotating field theory, Principle of working, Slip and its effect on
motor current quantities, Losses, efficiency and performance curves, Starting, Full load and maximum
torque relations, Torque slip characteristics.
Construction, Principle of working, Emf equation, Transformation ratios, No load working and vector
diagram, magnetizing current, Vector diagram on load, Equivalent circuit, open circuit and short circuit
tests , Losses, Efficiency and performance curves, All day efficiency, Percentage and per unit R,X and Z
Voltage regulation and Kapp’s regulation diagram. Transformer as a mutually inductive circuit.
Converting Machines
Rotary Converters. Construction, Principle of working, Transformer connections. Voltage and current
ratios of single and three phase converters, Mercury arc rectifiers, Construction, Operation, Transformer
connections, Voltage and current ratios of single phase and three phase rectifiers.
Scientific notation and significant figures. Types of errors in experimental measurements. Units in different
systems. Graphical Techniques (Log, semi-log and other non-linear graphs)
Review of vectors, Vector derivatives, Line and surface integrals, Gradient of scalar.
The limits of Mechanics, Coordinate systems. Motion under constant acceleration, Newton laws and their
applications. Galilean invariance. Uniform circular motion. Frictional forces. Work and Energy. Potential
Energy, Energy conservation. Energy and our Environment, Angular momentum.
Electrostatics and Magnetism
Coulombs Law. Electrostatic potential energy of discrete charges. Continuous charge distribution. Gauss’s
Law. Electric field around conductors. Dielectrics. Dual trace oscilloscope with demonstration.
Magnetic fields. Magnetic force on current. Hall effect. Biot-Savart Law. Ampere’s Law, Fields of rings
and coils. Magnetic dipole. Diamagnetism, Paramagnetism and Ferromagnetism.
Semiconductor Physics
Energy levels in a semiconductor. Hole concept. Intrinsic and Extrinsic regions. Law of Mass Action. P-N
Transistor. Simple circuits.
Waves and Oscillations
Free oscillation of systems with one and more degrees of freedom. Solution for Modes. Classical wave
equation. Transverse modes for continuous string. Standing waves. Dispersion relation for waves. LC
network and coupled pendulums. Plasma oscillations.
Optics and Lasers
Harmonic traveling waves in one dimension. Near and far fields. Two-slit interference. Huygens Principle.
Single-slit diffraction. Resolving power of optical instruments. Diffraction Grating.
Lasers, Population inversion. Resonant cavities. Quantum efficiency. He-Ne, Ruby and CO2 lasers. Doppler
effect and sonic boom.
Modern Physics
Inadequacy of classical physics, Plank;s explanations of black body radiation. Photoelectric effect,
Compton effect. Bohr theory of Hydrogen atom, Atomic spectra, Reduce mass, De-Broglie hypothesis
Braggs Law, Electron microscope, Uncertainty relations Modern atomic model, Zeeman effect, Atomic
nucleus, Mass energy relation, Binding energy, Nuclear forces and fundamental forces, Exponential decay
and half-life. Radioactive equilibrium in a chain, Secular equilibrium, Nuclear stability, Radiation detection
instruments. Alpha decay, Beta decay, Gamma decay attenuation, Nuclear radiation hazards and safety,
Medical uses of Nuclear Radiation. Fission, Energy release. Nuclear Reactors. Breeder Reactor, Nuclear
Gas Laws, Kinetic Gas Equation, Vander Waal’s Equation, critical phenomenon, liquidification of gases,
specific heat (molar heat capacity).
Properties of Solutions & Liquids
Surface Tension, Viscosity, Osmosis, Osmotic pressure, pH-Buffer Solution, Spectrophotometer, Basic
concepts of Colloidal Chemistry, classification purification (dialysis).
Chemical Thermodynamics, Hess’s Law, Heat of reaction, Relation between H and U, measurement of heat
of reaction, Bomb Calorimeter.
Laws of Electrolysis, E.M.F. series, corrosion (Theories, inhibition & protection).
Water & Sewage
Sources of water, impurities, hardness, water softening, purification of water for potable and industrial
purposes, electrodialysis, Introduction to environmental pollution, main sources and effects, Sewage
Types of fuels, classification of fossil fuels.
Metals & Alloys
Properties and general composition of metals and alloys such as Iron, Copper, Aluminum, Chromium and
Zinc used in engineering field.
Engineering Materials
Inorganic Engineering materials: Cement, Glass; Organic Engineering Materials: Polymers, Rubbers,
Plastics and Paints. Semiconductors and Dielectric materials.
Determination of total alkalinity of a given sample; Determination of total acidity of a given sample;
Determination of the amount of ferrous ions in a given sample: Determination of total hardness of a given
sample of water; Determination of surface tension of a given sample; Determination of coefficient of a
given sample; Determination of chloride ions in a given sample; Determination of Bicarbonate and
Carbonate ions in a given sample; Determination of turbidity in a given sample by precipitation;
Determination of turbidity in a given a sample by spectrophotometer; Plotting of titration curve and
determination of total alkalinity in a given sample; Plotting of titration curve and determination of acidity
in a given sample; Plotting a calibration curve and determination of ions present in a given sample.
Set and Functions
Define rational, irrational and real numbers; rounding off a numerical value to specified number of decimal
places or significant figures; solving quadratic and rational inequalities in involving modulus with graphical
representations; Definition of set, set operations, Venn diagrams, DeMorgan’s laws, Cartesian product,
Relation, Function and their types (Absolute value, greatest integer and combining functions). Graph of
some well-known functions. Limit of functions and continuous and discontinuous functions with graphical
Propositional Logic
Definition of Proposition, Statement and Argument, Logical Operators, Simple and Compound proposition,
various types of connectives, Truth table, tautology, Contradiction, Contingency & Logical equivalence.
Boolean Algebra
Definition, Boolean function, duality, some basic theorems & their proofs, two valued Boolean algebra,
Truth functions, Canonical sum of product form, Digital logic Gates & Switching circuit designs.
Complex Number
Argand diagram, De Moivre formula, root of polynomial equations, curve and regions in the complex
plane, standard functions and their inverses (exponential, circular and Hyperbolic functions).
Differential Calculus
Differentiation and Successive differentiation and its application; Leibnitz theorem, Taylor and Maclaurin
theorems with remainders in Cauchy and Lagrange form, power series. Taylor and Maclaurin series,
L’Hopitals rule, extreme values of a function of one variable using first and second derivative test,
asymptotes of a function, curvature and radius of curvature of a curve, partial differentiation, exact
differential and its application in computing errors, extreme values of a function of two variables with and
without constraints. Solution of non-linear equation, using Newton Raphson method.
Integral Calculus
Indefinite integrals and their computational techniques, reduction formulae, definite integrals and their
convergence, Beta and Gamma functions and their identities, applications of integration, Centre of pressure
and depth of centre of pressure.
Solid Geometry
Coordinate Systems in three dimensions, Direction cosines and ratios, vector equation of a straight line,
plane and sphere, curve tracing of a function of two and three variables, Surfaces of revolutions,
transformations (Cartesian to polar & cylindrical).
Technical Report Writing.
Preparation of Short Speeches for various occasions.
Written Communications
Writing of formal letters and applications, Drafting of Memorandums, Contracts, Advertisements and
Tender notices. Preparation of Minutes of meeting. Writing short papers on technical subjects. Notes
Oral Communication
Oral reporting, Conference Leading, Dictation. Interviewing, Precis Writing.
Essays on technical and non-technical subjects.
Applied Grammar
General rules for writing correct English, Punctuation, Study of words, Constructions and improvement of
sentences. Vocabulary learning and use of dictionary.
An Outline of Emergence of Pakistan
A brief historical survey of Muslim community in the sub-continent. War of Independence 1857 and
aftermath. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Development of Two Nation Theory. Formation of Muslim League,
Lucknow Pact, Khilafat & Non-cooperation Movement, Political Events from 1924 to 1937. Pakistan
Resolution -–Struggle for Pakistan from 1940 to 1947. Emergence of Pakistan.
Land of Pakistan
Geophysical conditions, Territorial situation and its importance, Natural Resources: Mineral and water.
Constitutional Process
Early effects to make constitution- Problems and issues. Constitution of 1956 and its abrogation. The
constitution of 1962 and its annulment. Constitutional and Political Crisis of 1971; The constitution of
1973, Recent constitutional developments.
Post Independence Development
Education in Pakistan: Planning & Development in the Field of Education. Development of Science and
Technology with special reference to Engineering and Architecture. Brief survey of Pakistan’s Economy;
Industrial and Agricultural Development. Internal and external trade. Economic Planning and prospects.
Cultural Developments in Pakistan
Definition, Check and Contributing factors in culture, Development of Art, Philosophy and Literature.
Foreign Policy
Relations with neighbours, Super powers and the Muslim World.
Land of Pakistan
Land & People, Strategic importance, Important beautiful sights, Natural resources.
A brief Historical background
A brief historical survey of Muslim community in the sub-continent. British rule & its impacts – Indian reaction.
Two nation theory– Origin & development. Factors leading towards the demand of separate Muslim
state. Creation of Pakistan.
Government & Politics in Pakistan
Constitution of Pakistan – a brief outline. Governmental structure – Federal & Provincial – Local
Government Institutions. Political history – a brief account.
Pakistan & the Muslim World
Relations with the Muslim countries.
Language and Culture
Origins of Urdu Language. Influence of Arabic and Persian on Urdu Language & Literature. A short
history of Urdu literature
2nd Term
Basic Engine Types and their Operation
Four-stroke spark Ignition Engine; Speed and Load Control in S.I. Engine; The Four-stroke compression
Ignition Engine; Speed and Load Control in C.I. Engine; The Two-stroke cycle; Supercharging, Wankel
Rotary Engine.
Measurement of Engine Torque and power; Dynamometer principle; Different Types of Dynamometers:
Measurement of Brake and Indicated Horse Power; Mechanical Pressure Indicators; Use of Indicator
Combustion Equations; Heat of Combustion; Higher and lower Heating Values; Adiabatic Flame
Equilibrium Charts
Idealized cycles and processes; The Diesel cycle; The Daul cycle; Regenerative cycles; Brayton cycle.
The natural fuels; Non-petroleum fuels; Characteristics of SI and CI Engine Fuels, LPG as I.C. Engine
Fuel; Octane and Cetane Number, Knock and Engine Variable: Autoignition in SI and CI Engines; Knock
and SI Engine; Knock and the CI Engine.
Exhaust Gas Analysis and Air Pollution
Air Pollution and the Engine; Air Pollution and the Fuel; Control of Exhaust-Gas constituents.
Fuel Metering- SI Engines
The Engine requirements; The Elementary carburetor; Elements of complete Carburetor; Calculation of
Air - Fuel ratio; Gasoline Injection system.
Fuel Metering-CI Engines
CI Injection Systems; CI Engine Nozzles.
Engine Characteristics
Heat Transfer and the Engine Valve Timing Diagram.
Engine-Lubrication systems: Engine performance and lubrication. Lubricaants of different kinds.
Statically Determinate Frames and Beams
Free body diagrams; Determination of forces in frames; Shear force and bending moment diagrams;
Relationship between loading shear force and bending moment.
Statically Determinate Stress Systems
Stress; Direct, shear, hydrostatic and complementary shear stresses; Bar and strut or column: Thin ring or
cylinder rotating; Stresses in thin shells due to pressure or self-weight.
Stress-Strain Reintion
Deformation; strain; elastic stress-strain behavior of materials; Lateral strain and Poisson’s ratio; Thermal
stress and strain; General stress-strain relationships
Statically Indeterminate Stress Systems:
Interaction of different materials, Interaction of different stiffness components, Restraint of thermal strain;
Volume Changes; Constrained materials.
Bending Stresses
Simple bending theory; General case of bending; Composite Beams; Eccentric and load; Shear stresses in
Bending: Slope and Deflection
Deflection curve of the neutral axis; Double Integration and Super-position methods.
Theory of Torsion
Torsion of thin-walled cylinder; Torsion of a solid circular shaft; Hollow shafts, Non-uniform and
composite shafts, tapered shaft, torsion of thin rectangular strip; torsion in helical springs.
Theory of Columns
Euler’s theory of bucking; Eccentric loading of long columns. Behaviour of ideal and real struts. Struts
with initial curvature; Crinkling; Members subjected to axial and transverse loading.
Sand Casting
Introduction; Sand casting procedures; Pattern making; Material types and construction of patterns;
Pattern allowances; Moulding process; Moulding materials; Tools and equipment; Testing of sand;
Moulding machines; Core making; Types of cores; Core making machines; Shell moulding; Plaster
moulding; Centrifugal casting; Trimming & Finishing of castings; Seasoning of castings; Inspection of
Die Casting
Pressure die casting; Vacuum die casting; Gravity die casting; Die casting machines; Hot chamber & Cold
chamber methods; Die casting alloys; Die design, construction, & material; Die cooling.
Metal Forming
Fundamentals; Hot working & cold working. Hot working processes: Rolling, Rolling mills; Open die
hammer forging, Die drop forging, Press forging, Upset forging, Roll forging, Near net shape forging;
Extrusion, Extrusion methods, Extrusion of hollow shapes; Hot drawing; Hot spinning; Pipe welding, &
piercing. Cold working processes; Squeezing, Bending, Shearing, & Drawing processes such as Rolling,
extrusion, Sizing, Riveting, Coining, Peening, Burnishing, Thread rolling, Angle bending, Roll bending,
Roll forming, Seaming, Flanging, Straightening, Shearing, Blanking, Perforating, Notching, Nibbling,
Shaving, Trimming, Bar & tube drawing, Wire drawing, Embossing & Stretch forming.
Welding Processes
Classification of welding processes; Oxyacetylene welding, Oxygen torch cutting, & Flame straightening
Arc welding; Shielded arc welding, Gas tungsten arc welding, Gas metal arc welding, Flux cored arc
welding, Submerged arc welding, Plasma arc welding, Stud welding, Power sources for arc welding. Arc
cutting; Resistance welding; Heating, pressure, Current control & Power supply, Spot welding, Seam
welding, Projection welding; Other welding processes; Forge welding, Roll welding, Friction welding,
Explosion welding, Thermic welding, Electron beam welding, Laser welding & cutting, Brazing &
Fabrication of Plastics
Casting; Blow moulding; Compression moulding; Transfer moulding; Cold moulding; Injection moulding ;
Reaction injection moulding; Vacuum forming; Welding of plastics.
Properties of Liquids and Gas
Ideal and real fluids; Properties and gases; Viscosity and compressibility of fluids; Fluid pressure.
Fluid Statics (Equilibrium)
Euler’s conditions of equilibrium; Pressure in a fluid under the action of gravity. Homogeneous fluid;
Several fluids of different specific weights; Interconnected vessels; Constant-velocity rotation of a liquid
around-fixed axis; Fluid under pressure neglecting gravity; hydraulic circuits; Force on container wall;
Force on flat surfaces: Force on curved surfaces; Buoyancy of fluid at rest; Stability of a floating body;
Surface tension and capillary tubes.
Atmospheric equilibrium; Isothermal state; Adiabatic state; The standard atmosphere.
Fluid Dynamics
One Dimensional inviscid flow (flow filament theory); Equation of continuity; Euler’s equations of motion;
Bernoulli’s equation; Impulse and momentum. One dimensional viscous flow; Generalized Bernoulli’s
equation; Laminar and turbulent flow in circular pipes; Pipe flow problems; Flow in open channels.
Dimensional Analysis
Buckingham- Pi Theorem; Reynolds’ Law of Similitude.
Fluid Measurements
Measurement of static pressure; Stagnation pressure, flow velocity and flow rate.
Machine Dynamics
Basic definitions; Simple Crank and Cam Mechanisms; Gyroscopic motion, Theory of steering gears;
Turning-moment diagrams; Belt and Chain drives; Clutches, Brakes and Dynamometers; Balancing of
rotating and reciprocating masses. Governors, types of governor, governor effort and power, controlling
force and governor stability.
Principle of Design
Mechanical properties of materials; Elasticity; Plasticity; Resilience and toughness; Endurance limits;
Hardness; Ductility and brittleness; Stress concentration, notch sensitivity, Soderberg and Goodmann
diagrams; Design Parameters & Operating Conditions; Deflection; Torsion; Shear Center, Thermal Stresses
Composite Sections; Simple Framed Structures. Creep; Fatigue.
Design of Simple Machine Elements
Joints & Fasteners; Knuckle, Cotter, Universal and Welded joints; Threaded and riveted fasteners;
Coupling; Universal, Flanged, Flexible and Fluid type couplings, Pulleys and Flywheels; Keys and Pins
Helical and Leaf type springs. Design of a belt conveyer, Design of chains including drag chain conveyor,
Apron feeders
Governors and Gyroscopes:
Function, Principle of operation, Applications.
Function of gyroscopes, gyroscopic acceleration and couple, application of gyroscopes.
Computer Classification
Analogue computer: Hybrid computer: Mainframe: Minicomputer: Microcomputer (Personal Computer);
Workstation: Super Computer.
Basic Units of Computer
The system central unit: Processing capability; Word handling capability; Memory: Display: Keyboard;
Operation Systems:
With GUI; Without GUI; UNIX; Concepts of LAN and WAN.
Application Programs
Text editor; Presentation; Mathematical modeling, Simulation; Database: Utilities Programs, Programming,
Concept of Computer Programming Languages
Variables, Constants, Data types (Char, Word, Integer, Floating); Assignments: Expressions: Operator and
precedence; Looping. Pointers, Functions or Procedures, Recursion. Back tracking, Program Heading
and Declaration part; Modules Main Module, Language constructs (taking examples of C. Pascal or
Prolog), Structured Programming, Software specification, software design, Software coding, Software
Introduction to Materials Engineering
Types of materials, source of materials and their extraction, crystalline and amorphous materials,
Application and selection of materials (basic criteria for different environments).
Metallic Materials
Pure metals and alloys, nature and properties of metals and alloys, major properties of metal and alloys,
single crystal and polycrystalline metals, crystal defects and the mechanism of deformation and fracture,
plastic flow in polycrystalline materials, structure property relationship, macro and micro examination,
structural aspect of solidification & solid phase transformation in binary systems, ferrous and non ferrous
metals, steel making processes, heat treatments, TTT diagram, surface hardening coatings, powder
metallurgy, non destructive testing.
Ceramics, Glasses & Refractory Materials
Compositions, properties, structures of various non metallic materials, application of Ceramics, Glasses,
refractory materials, methods of manufacture.
Polymers & Rubbers
Polymerization, Structural feature of Polymers, Thermoplastic Polymers, Thermo setting Polymers,
Additives, major mechanical properties, rubber (elastomers), synthesis of rubber.
Introduction to composite materials, types of composite materials, method of fabrication of composite
materials, property averaging, major mechanical properties.
Environmental Degradation
Metal degradation by atmosphere, Aqueous & galvanic corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, Methods of
corrosion prevention, behavior of metal at elevated temperature pyrometer, oxidation, scalling and creep.
Chemical degradation of ceramic & polymers, radiation damage surface. Improvement against degradation.
Kinematics of Particles
Rectilinear and curvilinear motion of particles; Rectangular, Tangential, Normal, Radial and Transverse
components of velocity and acceleration; Motion relative to a frame in translation.
Kinetics of Particles
Force, mass and acceleration; Newton’s Second Law; Dynamic equilibrium; Rectilinear and curvilinear
motion; Work and energy; Kinetic energy of a particle; Principle of work and Energy; Conservation of
energy; Impulse and momentum; Impulsive forces and conservation of momentum, Impact, direct and
oblique; Angular momentum of particle and a system of particles; Conservation of angular momentum;
Variable systems of particles; Systems gaining or losing mass.
Kinematics of Rigid Bodies
Translation; Rotation about fixed axis; General plane motion; Absolute and relative velocity and
Plane Motion of Rigid Bodies
Forces, acceleration; Energy and momentum; Conservation of linear and angular momentum.
Kinetics of Rigid Bodies in Three Dimensions
Equations of motion of a rigid body about a fixed pint, about its mass center or about a fixed axis;
Gyroscopic motion.
Conduction in Solids
Introduction, mechanics of conduction, mobility. Bohr’s model for the elements, energy level diagrams for
solids, conductors, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, electron-hole pairs in an intrinsic semiconductor,
distribution of electron and hole in conduction and valence bands, recombination and lifetime.
Semiconductors and Diodes
Donor and acceptor impurities, Zero biased, forward biased and reverse biased junction diodes, junction
diode current equation, depletion barrier width and junction capacitance, diffusion capacitance, Zero and
Avalanche break down, Hall effect, Fabrication of pn junction, diodes.
Electron Emission Devices
Types of electron emissions, thermionic diode, volt ampere characteristics, Child Langmuin Power Law,
Gas filled diode, Thermionic triode, Parameters and characteristics, Tetrode, Pentode, and beam power
tubes , Parameters and characteristics.
Simple Diode Circuits and Applications
Mathematical and graphical analysis of diode circuits, The ideal and non ideal diodes, Piecewise linear
models, Analysis of piecewise linear models of vacuum tube and junction diodes, The half wave rectifier.
The inductance filter, The inductance capacitance filter circuits, Zener and gas diode, Voltage regulator
circuits, Clamping and DC restorer circuits, Voltage doubler circuits, Clipping and limiting circuits.
Bipolar and Field Effect Transistors
Transistor biasing and thermal stabilization, The operating point, Bias stability, Collector to base bias,
Fixed bias, Emitter feedback bias, Stabilization for the self biased circuits, Field effect transistors, Basic
principles and theory, Types, FET characteristics, Different configurations-common gate, Common source
and common drain, The FET, small signal model, Parameters, Biasing of the FET.
Amplifier Circuits
Introduction “h” parameters, Hybrid model for transistor, Elementary treatment, Low frequency transistor
amplifier circuits, Stage cascaded LF.
1st Order Differential Equations
Basic concept; Formation of differential equations and solution of differential equations by direct
integration and by separating the variables; Homogenous equations and equations reducible to
homogeneous form; Linear differential equations of the order and equations reducible to the linear form;
Bernoulli’s equations and orthogonal trajectories; Application in relevant Engineering.
2nd and Higher Orders Equations
Special types of IInd order differential equations with constant coefficients and their solutions; The operator
D; Inverse operator 1/D; Solution of differential by operator D methods; Special cases, Cauchy’s
differential equations; Simultaneous differential equations; simple application of differential equations in
relevant Engineering.
Partial Differential Equation
Basic concepts and formation of partial differential equations; Linear homogeneous partial differential
equations and relations to ordinary differential equations; Solution of first order linear and special types of
second and higher order differential equations; D’Alembert’s solution of the wave equation and two
dimensional wave equations; Lagrange’s solution; Various standard forms.
Laplace Integral & Transformation
Definition, Laplace transforms of some elementary functions, first translation or shifting theorem, second
translation or shifting theorem, change of scale property, Laplace transform of the nth order derivative,
initial and final value theorem Laplace transform of integrals, Laplace transform of functions tn F(t) and
F(t)/t, Laplace transform of periodic function, evaluation of integrals, definition of inverse Laplace
transform and inverse transforms convolution theorem, solutions of ordinary differential using Laplace
Fourier series
Periodic functions and expansion of periodic functions in Fourier series and Fourier coefficients; Expansion
of function with arbitrary periods. Odd and even functions and their Fourier series; Half range expansions
of Fourier series, “DFT and FFT, Fourier Spectrum”.
Nature, Scope and methods of Ethics and religion. Ethical teachings of world religions, Basic Moral
concepts, Right and wrong,Good and evil.
An outline of Ethical systems in philosophy, Hedonism, Utilitarianism, Rationalism and Kant, Self
Realization Theories, Intuitionism.
Islamic Moral Theory
Ethics of Quran and its philosophical basis. Ethical precepts from Quran and Hadith and promotion
of moral values in Society.
3rd Term
Bending Stress
Combined bending and direct stresses. Shear stresses in bending, bending and shear stress in I-section
beams. Asymmetrical bending; Shear stress in thin-walled open sections and shear center; General Case of
bending of a thin-walled open section; Bending of initially curved bars; Beams with small radius of
Elastic Strain Energy
Strain energy under direct stress and in pure shear; Strain energy in bending and in torsion; Maximum
stress due to a suddenly applied load and due to impact; Bending deflection of a beam from an impact shear
deflection; Theorems of castigliano and Maxwell’s Reciprocal Theorem.
Statically Indeterminate Beams and Frames
Double integration method; superposition method; Virtual work; Compatibility and equilibrium methods.
Stress and Strain Transformations and Relationship
Two-directional stress systems; Mohr’s stress circle; principal stresses and planes; Combined
bending and torsion; Two-directional strain analysis; Normal and shear strain in terms of coordinate
and maximum shear strain; Relationship between elastic constants.
Deformation Symmetrical about an Axis
Thick-walled cylinders; Compound cylinders; Shrink fit, Rotating disk of uniform thickness.
Theories of Yielding
Maximum Principal Stress Theory, Maximum Principal Strain Theory, Maximum Shear Stress Theory,
Total Strain Energy Theory.
Thin plates and shells
Deflection of thin Plates, bending of circular plates with symmetrical loading, Plates with uniform loading,
solid plate with different loading conditions, Axi-Symmetrical thin shells, bending stresses in thin shells
Properties of Steam
Steam tables; Dryness fraction; Mollier chart.
Theoretical steam turbines cycles; Rankine; Reheat; Regenerative.
Flow of Steam through Nozzles
Critical pressure ratio; Convergent and convergent-divergent nozzles.
Steam Turbines
Impulse and reaction turbines; Compounding; Classification of turbines; Internal losses; State point
Locus and reheat factor.
Combined Heat and Power Schemes
Extraction and back pressure turbines.
Turbine performance and controls.
Steam Generation & Steam Plant; Feed water Heater; Air Preheaters; Economizer; Superheaters.
Fuels; Fossil fuel, coal, oil and gas; Environmental pollution.
Water Treatment
Internal and external treatment methods.
General Theory of Two and Three Dimensional Ideal Fluid Flow:
The velocity field; Eulerian and Lagrangian viewpoints; Acceleration of flow particle;
Irrotational flow; Relation between Irrotational flow and viscosity; Systems and control volumes;
Potential flow; Circulation; Stream function and velocity potential, uniform flow; Two dimensional
source and sink; Simple vortex; the doublet; Lift and drag forces.
General Theory of Two and Three Dimensional Viscous Fluid Flow
Stoke’s viscosity law, Navier Stokes equations of motion, Two dimensional flow between parallel
plates; flow in a circular pipe; creep flow; Reynolds equation; Hydrodynamic Lubrication in Journal
Boundary Layer Theory
Boundary layer theory; Laminar Boundary layer; Turbulent Boundary layer, Boundary layer
control; Airfoil cascades.
Fluid Machinery
Similarity relations for Turbomachines; Specific Speed; Classification of Turbomachines; Impulse
Turbines; Propeller type axial-flow reaction turbine, multi bladed reaction turbines; Radial flow
pumps. Performance curves.
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Introduction; Numerical operations for differentiation and Integration; Programming Procedure;
simple exercise problems.
Design of Shaft
Shafts and columns; Static, Cyclic and Shock Loads, Torsional stiffness; Critical speed; Shaft Materials
and Design of Circular Shafts under normal and combined loading Introduction to flexible shafting;
Connecting rods and crank shafts.
Lubrication Theory & Bearing Design
Friction & Wear, Lubrication theory; Bearing types and materials; Detailed design of Journal and Thrust
slider bearings. Design of roller bearing including spherical and tapered roller bearings.
Design of Tanks & Piping Systems
Introduction to the design of pressure vessels tanks and piping systems.
Gear Design
General gear theory; Design of the spur gear; Design of any one of the following types of gears; Helical,
Worm, Bevel, Novikou and Hypoid Gears; Design of Gear Boxes and Gear Trains.
Introduction to Industrial Design Codes. Application of at least one design standard i.e. ASME, BS, ANSI,
JIS, DIN or ISO in the design of machine elements and assemblies.
Elements of Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS)
MEMS Manufacturing; Lithography, Etching, Micromachining; MEMS Devices: Sensors, Actuators,
Springs and Fluid Flow Devices.
Main objectives; Elements of a vibratory system; Fundamental features in vibratory systems; Vectorial
representation of simple harmonic motion, Degrees of freedom; Damping.
Single Degree of Freedom Systems
Undamped free vibrations; Damped free vibrations; Forced vibrations.
Two Degree of Freedom Systems
Undamped and damped free vibrations; Undamped and damped steady state forced vibrations.
Equivalent viscous damping; Balancing of machines; Vibration considerations in machine foundation.
Methods for Finding Natural Frequencies
Rayleigh method; Analytical method and graphical technique; Holzer method.
Vibrations of Elastic Bodies
Free and forced longitudinal vibrations of a uniform bar; Vibrations of a uniform bar with end masses
Free and forced lateral vibrations of simpls supported thin beams; Torsional vibration of circular shaft
with single rotor and two rotors, Critical speed of rotating shaft with single rotor and two rotor, Critical
speed of rotating shafts.
Elementary treatment of analogue computation of vibrations, Simple cases of electromechanical systems
and analogies.
Machining Processes and Machine Tools
Machine tools using single point tools; Description, functions and operations performed on lathe, shaper,
planer, and boring machines; work holding devices.
Machine tools using multiple cutting edge tools; Description, functions, and operations performed on
drilling, milling, gear cutting, and broaching machines.
Machine tools using abrasive wheels, description and functions of various types of grinding machines
wheel dressing, and wheel balancing, Honing, lapping, and super finishing operations; thread
Non-traditional machining processes such as EDM, ECM, & Ultra sonic machining.
Machining parameters
Determination of machining time and material removal rate for various machining operations, Cutting
Tools For Manufacturing; Cutting tool material characteristics; Cutting tool materials; Tool steels, HSS,
Sintered Carbides, Ceramics, Tin-coated HSS, Diamonds, & Cubic Boron Nitrides; Tool Geometry, Tool
life , Tool wear, & machinability; Taylor’s Tool Life Model, Sharpening & Reconditioning of Cutting
Tools; Basic concept and design of jigs and fixtures.
Introduction, product simplification & diversification, interchangeability, selective assembly, principles,
preparation of standards, application of standards in design and manufacturing, applying for patents,
international & national standard organizations.
Standards of length
Light waves as standard of length, design & operation of linear measuring instruments, slip & block
gauges, length bars, limit gauges, sine bar, Reference temperature, limits and fits, Hole-basis, Shaft basis
comparators: mechanical, electrical, pneumatic, & optical.
Errors in measurement, sensitivity, accuracy, & variation, economics of measurement, measurement of
squareness, flatness, straightness, roundness, gear & screw threads, advanced measuring and inspection
non-contact measurement Machine Tool Metrology; Alignment tests, level of installation, spindle
straightness, flatness, & squareness.
Surface Texture
Roughness, lay, waviness, & flaws, CLA, & RMS values, predication of roughness in turning, drilling,
milling, & grinding.
Measurement of roughness, Average values of roughness for various manufacturing processes.
Introduction, Types of data & variables, presentation to data, object, classifications, Tabulation, Frequency
distribution, Graphical representation, Simple & Multiple Bar diagrams, Sartorial & Pie-Diagram,
Histogram, Frequency Polygon, Frequency Curves & their types.
Measure of Central Tendency and Dispersion
Statistics Averages, Median Mode, Quartiles, Range, Moments, Skewness & Kurtosis, Quartile Deviation,
Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation, Variance & its coefficient, Practical Significance in related problems.
Curve Fitting
Introduction, fitting of a first and second degree curve, fitting of exponential and logarithmic curves related
problems, Principle of least squares, Second order Statistics & Time series not in bit detail.
Simple Regression & Correlation
Introduction, Scatter diagrams, Correlation & its Coefficient, Regression lines, Rank Correlation & its
Coefficient, Probable Error (P.E), Related problems.
Sampling and Sampling Distributions
Introduction, Population, Parameter & Statistics, Objects of sampling, Sampling distribution of Mean,
Standard errors, Sampling & Non-Sampling Errors, Random Sampling, Sampling with & without
replacement, Sequential Sampling, Central limit theorem with practical significance in related problems.
Statistical Inference and Testing of Hypothesis
Introduction, Estimation, Types of Estimates, Confidence interval, Tests of Hypothesis, Chi-Square
distribution/test, one tails & two tails tests. Application in related problems.
Basic concepts, Permutation & Combination, Definitions of probability, Laws of probability, Conditional
probability, Baye’s rule. Related problems in practical significance.
Random Variables
Introduction, Discrete & Continuous random variables, Random Sequences and transformations,
Probability distribution, Probability density function, Distribution function, Mathematical expectations,
Moment Generating Function (M.G.F.), Markove random walks chain/Related problems.
Probability Distributions
Introduction, Discrete probability distributions, Binomial, Poisson, Hyper geometric & Negative binomial
distributions. Continuous probability distribution, Uniform, Exponential & Normal distributions & their
practical significance.
Linear Algebra
Linearity and linear dependence of vectors, basis, dimension of a vector space, field matrix and type of
matrices (singular, non-singular, symmetric, non-symmetric, upper, lower, diagonal tri-diagonal matrix),
Rank of a matrix using row operations and special method, echelon and reduced echelon forms of a matrix,
determination of consistency of a system of linear equation using rank, transitions matrix, basic concept of
tensors, eigen value and eigen vectors of a matrix, Diagonolization, Cayley-Hamiton theorem. Applications
of linear algebra in Engineering.
Euclidean Spaces and Transformation
Geometric representation of vector, norm of vector, Euclidean inner product, projections and orthogonal
projections, Euclidean n spaces n properties Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, Euclidean transformations, apply
geometric transformations to plane figure, composition of transformations.
Advance Calculus
Define a stationary point of a function of several variables, define local maximum and saddle point for a
function of two variables the stationary points of a several variables, obtain higher partial derivatives of
simple functions of two or more variables, iterated integrals, double and triple integrations with
applications (area, centroids, moment of inertia, surface area and volume, use multiple integrals in solutions
of engineering problems).
Vector Calculus
Vector differential operator, directional derivative, gradient, divergence, curl of a vector field and laplacian
operators with applications. (Solenoid, conservative, etc).
Vector Integrations; Evaluate line integrals along simple paths, apply line integrals to calculate work done,
apply Green’s theorem in the plane to simple examples, evaluate surface integrals over simple surface, use
the Jacobian to transform a problem a new coordinate system, apply Gauss’ divergence theorem to simple
problems, apply Stokes’ theorem to simple examples.
Open and closed loop control, feedback simple control system; sequence control, static switching and
logic Switching Algebra.
Stability, accuracy, frequency and transient response.
Time Scale Effects
Linear control system, determination of system performance and design with reference to stability,
Transient response, steady state accuracy and frequency response; Laplace transformation method; Root
Locus; Nyquist criteria and Bode plots; Conformal plotting.
Series parallel and feedback techniques of system compensation. Three term pneumatic controller for
chemical plants.
Control system types; regulations, Servomechanism.
Electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic amplifier.
Analysis of the performance of electro mechanical transducers used in control.
Engineering economy defined; Measures of financial effectiveness; Nonmonetary factors and multiple
Objectives; principles of engineering economy.
The Economic Environment
Consumer and producer goods; Measures of economic worth; Price, Supply, & Demand relationship;
Production; Factors of production; Laws of return.
Cost Concepts & Analysis
Sunk & opportunity costs; Fixed, variable, and incremental costs; Recurring & nonrecurring costs; Direct,
indirect, and overhead costs; Standard costs; Breakeven analysis; Unit cost of production; Cost-Benefit
analysis; Feasibility studies; Value analysis in designing & purchasing.
Time Value of Money
Simple interest; Compound Interest; Cash flow diagrams; Interest formulas; Nominal versus effective
interest rates; Continuous compounding.
Depreciation and Depletion
Purpose of depreciation; Types of depreciation; Economic life. What can be depreciated?
Comparing Alternatives
Present economy; Selection among machines, materials, processes, and designs, Payback period method;
Present worth method; Uniform annual cost method; Rate of return method; Alternatives having indentical
lives. Alternatives having different lives.
Production Concepts & Mathematical Models
Manufacturing lead time, Production rate; Capacity; Utilization; Availability; Work in process; WIP and
TIP ratios.
Linear programming
Mathematical statement of linear programming problems; Graphic solution; Simplex method; Duality
Capital Financing and Budgeting
Types of ownership; types of stock; partnership & joint stock companies; Banking & specialized credit
Industrial Relations
Labour problems; Labour organizations; Prevention & Settlement of disputes.
Part-1 Communication Skills (Oral)
Definitions and Conditions.
Modes:- verbal, non-verbal, vocal, non-vocal, sender, receiver, en-loding, decoding, noise, context,
emotional maturity, relationships, etc.
Language, perception.
Non-verbal, body language, physical appearance, cultural differences etc.
Personal and interpersonal skills/perceptions.
Communication dilemmas and problems.
Public Speaking – speaking situation, persuasion.
Part-II Written Communication
Formal / Business letters.
Memos (brief revision).
Notice and minutes of meetings.
Contracts and agreements (basic theoretical knowledge and comprehension).
Research / scientific reports.
Tenders (basic theoretical knowledge and comprehension).
Participating in seminars, interviews, writing and presenting conference papers, solving IELTS type
papers. (Non-examination).
Part-III Engineering / Business Ethics
Course objective.
Need for code of ethics.
Type of ethics, involvement in daily life.
Problems/conflicts/dilemmas in application.
Review of Pakistan Engineering Council Code of Conduct.
Final Term
Elementary Theory of Elasticity
Stress at a point; Stress equation of equilibrium; Laws of stress transformation; Principal stresses; Strain and
stress relations, Strain and stress relations, Strain equations of transformations; Principal strains; Compatibility;
Displacement field; Basic equations and plane elasticity theory; Airy’s stress functions.
Stresses and Strain Measurement
Experimental Stress analysis; Brittle-coating methods; Theory, Behavior, and Application of the stress- coat;
Photo-elasticity methods; Theory, Model, Materials and Analysis techniques; Bifringent coatings and scattered
light; Strain measurement methods; Introduction to strain measurement; Electrical resistance strain gauges;
Parameters influencing strain gauge; Rosette analysis; Strain-gauge circuits.
Elementary Plastic and Viscoelastic Analysis
Plastic bending of beams; Plastic hinge in beams; Plastic torsion of shafts; Plastic bending or torsion in a strain
hardening material.
Finite Element Analysis
Introduction; Discrete System Mathematical Models, Continuous System, Mathematical Models, Weighted
Residual Methods, Finite Element solutions.
Ideal Cycles
Effect of pressures, temperature, and component efficiency on fuel and air consumption and power of the
simple plant; Inter-cooling, reheat, and heat exchanger cycles; Industrial open and closed plant.
Gas Turbine Cycles for Aircraft Propulsion
Turboprop, Turbofan and Turbojet engines; Influence of altitude and flight speed on performance.
Centrifugal Compressors
Principle of operation; Work done and pressure rise; Compressibility effects; Non-dimensional quantities for
plotting compressor characteristics.
Axial Flow Compressors
Elementary theory; degree of reaction; simple design method, Blade design; Calculation of stage performance,
Overall performance, compressibility effect.
Combustion Systems
Form of combustion system; some important factors effecting combustion chamber designing, combustion
process; combustion chamber performance.
Axial Flow Turbines
Elementary theory, Vortex theory, Choice of blade profile; pitch and cord; Estimation of stage performance;
Overall turbine performance.
Prediction of Performance of Simple Gas Turbines
Component Characteristics; Off-design operation of the single shaft gas turbine; Equilibrium running of a
gas generator; off-design operation of free-turbine engine; jet engine.
Refrigeration and Heat Pump Cycles
Carnot and Joule Cycles reversed; Vapour-compression and vapour absorption cycles; Coefficient of
performance; Multiple effect compression; Processing; Multi-stage compression, Efficiencies. Properties
of Refrigerants and Brine.
Refrigeration machines
Cold air; Vapour-compression; Steam jet and absorption types; Heat pumps, Domestic type; Auxiliaries and
controls; Air cycle.
Distribution of Refrigerants
Direct expansion; Brine grids and control systems; Brine mixing and concentration; Defrosting air circulation
Application of Refrigeration
Cold storage; Ice-making; Dairying; Quick freezing air-conditioning; Layouts; Load calculation and
performance; Solid ice; Solar energy.
Cooling Load calculations
Use of available programs; Ashrae cooling manual.
Air-conditioning and Ventilation
Use of the psychnometric charts; Calculation of heat to be removed by an air-conditioning plant; Air
conditioning requirements for comfort and industrial processes; Air distributing systems; Design and sizing of
ducts; Water cooler; Dehumidifiers; Humidifiers; Automatic temperature and humidity control systems;
Pneumatic; electric; and hydraulic system; Complete calculations for a simple air conditioning system;
Prevention of noise and vibration; cooling towers and evaporative condensers.
Nuclear Physics Review
Nuclear structure; Nuclear stability; Binding energy and mass-energy equivalence; Radioactivity (natural
and artificial); Decay rate; Mean-life and half-life; Radioactive equilibrium; Nuclear Reactions; Q value;
Fission reaction; Elastic and inelastic scattering reactions.
Reactor Physics
Neutron reaction; Neutron flux; Cross section for scattering, absorption and fission; Neutron diffusion Neutron
leakage; Solution of diffusion equation for a bare reactor; Albedo and reflector saving, Neutron slowing down;
Continuous slowing down model’ Lethargy; Slowing down power; Moderation ratio, Fermi age.
Reactor Theory
Nuclear chain reactors; Criticality; The four factor formula; One group critical equation; The critical size, Nonleakage
probability; Neutron life cycle.
Reactor Kinetics
Excess reactivity and reactor-period; Xenon poisoning.
Types of Nuclear Reactors
Introduction, Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR), and Primary Loop, Pressurize, Chemical Shim Control
A PWR Power plant, Boiling Water Reactor (BWR), and Load Following Control, Current BWR System
High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (HTGR), Advanced Gas Cooled Reactors (AGR).
Fast Breeder Reactor and Power plants
Introduction, Nuclear Reactions, Conversion and Breeding, Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor (LMFBR)
Plant arrangements, LMFBR, Gas Cooled Fast Breeder Reactor (GCFBR).
Reactor Materials
Choice of a moderator; the fuel; the coolant; Nuclear fuels.
Allied Topics
Nuclear power economics; Fuel reprocessing; Health hazard due to reactions; Shielding; Nuclear
applications for peaceful purposes.
Basic governing laws; Conservation of mass, momentum and energy; Limitations to the application of laws.
Velocity of Sound
Physical differences between incompressible, Sub-sonic and super-sonic gas flow; The Mach Number and
Mach Angle, Optical methods of investigation.
One Dimensional Gas Flow
Isentropic flow; choking in isentropic flow; Operation of nozzles under varying pressure ratios; Some
applications of Isentropic flow.
Normal Shock Waves
Formation of shock waves; Weak shock waves; Moving shock waves; Operating characteristics of convergingdiverging
nozzle; one-dimensional supersonic diffusers; Supersonic pitot tube.
Oblique Shocks
Oblique shock equations, Shock geometry; Shock Polaris; Some special aspects of oblique shock waves.
Flow in Ducts
Flow in constant area ducts with friction; Performance of long ducts at various pressure ratios.
Isothermal Flow in Long Duets
Flow in ducts with heating or cooling; Choking effects in simple stagnation temperature change; Shock
waves with changes in stagnation temperature.
Steady state conduction; general equation for three dimensional geometries; one dimensional analysis;
Multi layer wall; Overall heat transfer coefficient.
Unsteady state heat transfer for simple geometries; lump capacity method; internal resistance in solid.
Transfer with internal heat sources; Extended surface heat transfer-fins.
Thermal radiation
Basic concepts; surface characteristics blackbody; grey body, emission in defined wave band; radiation
intensity; energy exchange in black and grey bodies.
Convection Heat Transfer
Basic concepts; momentum and thermal boundary layer fundamentals, dimensional analysis; theoretical
analysis for flat plates; laminar and turbulent flow.
Forced Convection
Laminar and turbulent flow over flat plates and inside tubes and ducts, Empirical correlations.
Free Convection
Similarity parameter, boundary layer, convective coefficients in plates; empirical correlations.
Heat transfer with change in phase; boiling; condensation.
Heat Exchangers
Types; preliminary design.
Mass Transfer
Mass transfer operations; Diffusional mass transfer; mass transfer coefficients; empirical correlations: analogy
of heat, mass and momentum transfer; simultaneous heat and mass transfer.
Industrial Management & Systems
Introduction to industrial management and administration; System concept; Functions of Management;
Managerial decision making; Models as decision aids.
Plant Location
Factors affecting location; Multiplant location; Location analysis; Plant layout; Types of layout; Material
handling consideration in layout; Internal and External balancing; product and process layout analysis; Layout
Production Planning and Control
Product design, Pre-production planning, Production control for intermittent and continuous process;
Production control charts; Machine arrangement problems; Control for maximum profit; Scheduling techniques.
Quality Control
Sampling risk and economics of sampling; OC curve and sampling plan. Average outgoing quality; Sampling
methods; Attribute and variable sampling; Concept of control chart; Process Variability; P and R charts.
Methods Analysis
Process chart; Man-Material flow charts; Work station flow charts; Man-Machine charts. Motion study;
Principles of motion economy; Applications; Simo chart.
Work Measurement
Stop watch time study procedures; Timing methods; Performance rating; Total normal time; Allowance factors;
Continuous production study; Work sampling procedures; Predetermined motion time techniques. Wage
incentive plan and job evaluation.
Planning & Control Techniques
Inventory Control; Forecasting; Moving average and weight moving average; Functions of Inventory;
Economic order quality model, its limitations, Economic lot size. Safety stock; Stock out cost; Inventory
systems; Inventory system under uncertainly; Quantity discount; Theory; CPM/PERT.
Selected problems requiring design, development of problem specific software, preparation of drawings,
fabrication of prototype / models and laboratory experimentation shall be assigned to individual students or
groups of students. Grading shall be based on the reports produced by students and their critical evaluation
through an oral examination.
Fundamentals of CAD
Introduction, the design process, application of computers for design, creating the manufacturing data base,
benefits of CAD.
Hardware in CAD
The design workstation, graphics terminal, operator input devices, plotters and other output devices, the central
processing unit, secondary storage.
Computer Graphics Software and Data Base
The software configuration of a graphics system, functions of a graphic package, constructing the geometry,
data base structure and content, wire-frame versus solid modeling, other CAD features and
CAD/CAM integration.
Mathematical Elements of CAD
Two dimensional transformations, Translation, Scaling, and Rotation, Concatenation, Various techniques for
design optimization, finite element analysis / modeling.
Conventional Numerical control
Introduction, basic components of an NC system, the NC procedure, NC coordinate systems, NC motion control
systems, applications of numerical control, economics and justification.
NC Part Programming
Punched tape in NC, tape coding and format, manual part programming, computer assisted part programming,
the APT language, NC programming with interactive graphics, voice NC programming, manual data input, APT
word definitions.
Computer Controls in NC
Problems with conventional NC, NC controller technology, Computer numerical control, direct numerical
control, adaptive control machining systems, trends and new developments in NC.
Robotics Technology & Applications
Robot anatomy, Accuracy & Repeatability, Robot specifications, End effectors; Characteristics of Robot
applications, Robot cell design, Types of Robot applications.
Complex Variable
Limit, continuity, zeros and poles of a complex function, Cauchy-Reimann equations, conformal
transformation, contour integration.
Error Analysis
Types of errors (relative, Absolute, inherent, round off, truncation), significant digits and numerical instability,
flow chart.
Use any Computational tools to Analysis the Numerical Solutions.
Finite Difference
Functions of operators, difference operators and the derivative operators, identities. Linear homogeneous and
non-homogeneous difference equations. Numerical Differentiation, Forward Difference Method, Backward
Difference Method, Central Difference Method.
Interpolation & Curve Fitting
Lagrange’s Newton, Hermit, Spline, least squares approximation. (Linear and non-linear curves). With
numerical problem in engineering.
Numerical Integration & Differentiation
Computation of integrals using simple Trapezoidal rule, 1/3th Simpson’s rule, 1/8th Simpson’s rule, Composite
Simpson’s and Trapezoidal rules, computation of solutions of differential equations using (Euler method, Euler
modified method, Runge Kutta method of order 4).
Improper Integrals
Definitions, Types of improper integral and their convergence.
Elliptic Integrals
Introduction and identification of elementary elliptic integrals of first, second and third kinds. Simple